Venus Freeze treatment

What is the Venus Freeze treatment?

The Venus Freeze treatment is an effective treatment based on a combination of multi-polar radio frequency sound waves and pulsating magnetic fields (MP2), which lay a soothing and therapeutic thermal field on the skin.

The heat generated by the Venus Freeze device results in a shrinking effect of the protein structures (collagen), a natural recovery and renewal of the collagen (collagen neogenesis), a superficial reduction of fat cells (lipolysis) and new formation of small blood vessels (angiogenesis) through which the blood circulation improves and gives the skin a more radiant look.

What is the purpose of a Venus Freeze treatment?

A Venus Freeze treatment is a safe and pleasant treatment for the face and body. The active collagen in the skin will contract, thus resulting in a firmer skin, softening of the wrinkles and less cellulite.

The Venus Freeze treatment is an appropriate solution for:

  • Skin firming or skin tightening
  • Reduction of cellulite
  • Reduction of wrinkles and stretch marks
  • An anti-aging treatment
  • Figure correction

This treatment can be performed on various parts of the body, including the face, neck, décolleté, arms, stomach, thighs and bottom.

Is the Venus Freeze treatment painful?

  • The Venus Freeze treatments are painless. The heat generated can be felt but should not exceed the pain threshold.
  • The generated homogeneous rise in temperature is maintained for a few minutes. The temperature is controlled via a digital infrared thermometer.
  • During the treatment, the patient can indicate when the heat is approaching the pain threshold.

What to expect after the Venus Freeze treatment?

  • After the Venus Freeze treatment, there is some redness (erythema) and a warm, sometimes slight burning sensation that lasts up to several hours.
  • Mild burning reactions are rarely observed.
  • The risk of scarring or pigment damage is negligible.
  • The Venus Freeze treatment can also be performed during the summer, regardless of the skin pigmentation.
  • Also long-term adverse effects are not expected for treatments with the Venus Freeze device.
  • The Venus Freeze treatment, however, is not recommended during pregnancy.

The expected results of the Venus Freeze treatment

  • The results of a Venus Freeze treatment are assessed based on photographic images and / or girth measurements. Skin tension improvement will also be experienced by the patient.
  • A standard treatment consists of six weekly treatment sessions. You can expect the optimal result from the Venus Freeze treatment series after approximately three months. After which, a second treatment cycle can be carried out.
  • While it is expected that the vast majority of patients will have an objectifiable improvement after one treatment cycle, this can never be guaranteed 100 % for each individual patient.
  • A second treatment cycle will probably only make sense if the first cycle showed some improvements.
  • Although the results can be maintained for quite a long time, an everlasting result is unrealistic, as with all aspects of skin aging.
  • The number of treatments that can be performed with the Venus Freeze device is unlimited. To optimally maintain the obtained result, some patients, for instance, those who suffer from cellulite or sagging skin, choose for a maintenance treatment every two or three years.

What you also need to know

  • During the preliminary consultation, we discuss the alternatives for the Venus Freeze technique including accepting the current situation, massage and drainage techniques (such as LPG), UltraShape lipolysis, liposuction or plastic surgery.
  • We take digital pictures before and after the Venus Freeze treatment. These are intended for optimal assessment of the result and evolution.

If you have any question about the Venus Freeze treatment, do not hesitate to contact us.