Non-ablative skin rejuvenation

Non-ablative skin rejuvenation with the fractional laser

With non-ablative skin rejuvenation using the fractional laser, the epidermis is kept intact. The laser devices we use produce a very powerful light wave of a specific wavelength that is selectively absorbed by the tissue in the deeper layers of the skin. By choosing a moderate energy dose and a long pulse duration, the light is converted into heat, which radiates (heat diffusion) into the surrounding connective tissue cells (fibroblasts). Because of the heat, the collagen strands (proteinaceous main component of connective tissue) will contract and a natural healing process is put into motion allowing the creation of new collagen (collagen neogenesis). Through this non-ablative laser treatment, the skin will become smoother and firmer, wrinkles will reduce and the skin structure becomes finer with finer pores. Redness and pigmentation can also be reduced with this laser treatment.

Types of laser devices for non-ablative skin rejuvenation

At the moment, we use three types of laser devices at the Cutaneous Laser Centre, which can be used for non-ablative skin rejuvenation:

  • the Palomar Starlux G laser
  • the Cutera Excel V laser
  • the Candela Pulsed Dye laser

The non-ablative laser treatment with one of the above lasers is applied to remove deep scars caused by acne, stretch marks (after pregnancy, during the growth phase, after a slimming diet), irregular skin pigmentation, irregular redness or sagging skin.

Is non-ablative laser treatment painful?

  • Non-ablative skin rejuvenation is well tolerated by most people.
  • Mild pain is usually experienced similar to a pricking feeling on the skin.

What to expect after a non-ablative laser treatment?

  • After non-ablative laser treatment, slight redness (erythema) occurs along with a burning feeling that usually only lasts for a couple of hours.
  • The next day, in some people, some swelling (oedema) may occur.
  • If the treatment was for pigmentation removal, the skin can look a bit grey during the first few days.
  • The risk of scarring is negligible.
  • The risk of a temporary brown dyschromia (hyperpigmentation) or lightening (hypopigmentation) of the treated area is also negligible as long as you do not have a highly pigmented skin colour.

The expected results and frequency of non-ablative skin rejuvenation

  • The optimal result of non-ablative skin rejuvenation can be expected 2 to 3 months later. After which, a second treatment can be performed.
  • To achieve optimal improvement, usually multiple treatments are necessary, each time with an interval of 3 months.
  • With non-ablative laser treatment, we refer to it as improvement only when the depth of the scar reduces, when the scar texture improves and when the skin becomes firmer. If there was redness or pigmentation in the treated skin areas, this will also improve.
  • Although some patients only experience moderate improvement, you can generally expect and aesthetic improvement of 50 to 80 %.
  • The number of treatments you can have with this type of lasers is unlimited. After the achieved result, some patients (with tissue weakening, for example) choose for an annual maintenance treatment.
  • As far as it is known, we do not expect long-term adverse effects that could be triggered by these types of lasers.

What you also need to know

  • During an initial consultation, we go over the alternatives for non-ablative skin rejuvenation techniques with the laser, such as acceptance of the current situation, the use of cosmetics, chemical 'peeling' of the skin, an UltraPulse CO2 laser resurfacing or surgical treatment.
  • During the treatment, the patient, the physician(s), staff and any attending family have to wear special glasses to protect their eyes from the laser light.

If you have any question about non-ablative skin rejuvenation by means of fractional laser treatment, do not hesitate to contact us.